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Monday October 4th 2004

DiscussThing Workshop: Paz on 2004-10-04 18:51:48

oh, and it seems to redirect to /layout, where should I put my example version? Once its mostly done we should just put it in the main directory, or we can even do that now instead of redirecting (although the php needs to be updated to get rid of the extra ../ in the path)

Go to: To Do (yar, it do be soon!)

DiscussThing Workshop: Paz on 2004-10-04 18:26:20

The reason I ask about groups is because I definitely want to get the two personal threads ("in india" and "on safari") out of the discussthing group and into their own group, inaccessible to minors.

and the postintro div i was thinking of (for now) is just something really simple, so that we can place text above the posts and below the breadcrumb if we need to.

Go to: To Do (yar, it do be soon!)

DiscussThing Workshop: LordeSloth on 2004-10-04 14:43:32

Two more things I thought of:
9.) there is a JS error on the page. Doesn't seem like a problem, but we want to make sure everyone can use this menu...

10.) Can you bold (or something) each of the topics, to better distingish them from the threads that go underneath?

Go to: To Do (yar, it do be soon!)

DiscussThing Workshop: LordeSloth on 2004-10-04 13:39:58

And read that article I emailed ye.

Go to: To Do (yar, it do be soon!)

DiscussThing Workshop: LordeSloth on 2004-10-04 13:31:53

We seem to be on at the same time a lot... IF YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN.

New group forms will be for later, because otherwise I wood explood, and we msut set priorities for launch. Right now I do it manually. You add a group row in talk_groups and then the appropriate row in the talk_permissions table or whatever it's called, so you can access it...

You should also:
8) Get the thesheepthing.com/lazspace/political REFERAL page ready to go, reading "Get ready for the new and improved Discussthing, or wahtever doode." So we can do the switcheroo really fast... Also must check Old db to make sure than no one has logged on and is in the process of making a post...

Yeah multiple topics = key. Speaking of "to do," eventually I want another form of post beyond essay, firstpost, commentpost... Worklists! Essentially, allow users to enter items in a list of X columns... Image a "Potential Allies" worklist/thread in the Excom. Eventually, also polls, etc...

Go to: To Do (yar, it do be soon!)

DiscussThing Workshop: LordeSloth on 2004-10-04 13:26:02

Sounds mighty.

I want to have an opening essay for the excom too, so I can kind of layout the agenda, or "monkey-plan" as I call it. So maybe in the database there will be a field that let's you mark one post per group as the descriptor. Will also make that link at the top.

If you make a special div for that, and when you make the daymarker div, be sure to tell me what the name of the ID is, so I can use the right one in PHP.

I probably got a new rube for both discussthing and the excom, a guy I work with named David, who's cool. In light of this, are we going to have that scary graphic at the top? I'm just wondering so I can make judgements about who to invite. Seems like each time they keep getting creepier...

Post-Intro div is a great idea. We should do that soon, but remember our primary goal is to get the basic functionality up and running, and add bells and whistles later. I'm all for that idea, though. Try to design it like the tabs in thesheepthing.com/portfolio... Or at least so the CSS could be adopted to look like that...

Go to: To Do (yar, it do be soon!)

DiscussThing Workshop: Paz on 2004-10-04 13:21:46

oh yeah, and how do I make a new group? lets see if we can make ryan explode!

Go to: To Do (yar, it do be soon!)

DiscussThing Workshop: Paz on 2004-10-04 13:19:33

ooh i like the ability to make it part of "To Do" AND "Launching the site" (i never really used that ability before)

Go to: To Do (yar, it do be soon!)

DiscussThing Workshop: Paz on 2004-10-04 13:15:41

hmmm actually new posts shouldn't necessarily always be essay posts, as this one has become, they should by default be "firstpost" and then we should have some way of approving them as essay posts (which can either be done easily without extra work by going into the database, or even better, there could be a little check box for admins that says "make essay" or something.

And I think we need a postintro div, just below the breadcrumb, where we have the option to put text like "Most Recent Posts" "Recent Posts from all your groups" (postintro div). I will add this to the css, and it only needs to be drawn on top of the home pages.

so I have a few more for now
6) switch first posts off of essay default
7) add essay listing into javascript
8) cut off topics, threads, and essays after 15(?) in the javascript, with link to "see all...". maybe not topics, we'll see what makes sense after we try it.
9) add postintro div to php (but not in regular post areas, only when you drawing the "most recent" postings. if that distinction is dificult then let me know and we can put the postintro on every page)

7) add postintro+graphics to css

Go to: To Do (yar, it do be soon!)

DiscussThing Workshop: Paz on 2004-10-04 12:56:13

Based on my looking around the site a bit today, I have figured on a few things necessary for getting this done in the next few days.

And what I would like to do for the "discussthing intro" is have it be an essay post just like the others, with comments welcome, but I want the link to be within the page header, and it should say "this is discussthing." and be wrapped it in its own div tag (intro), just for more flexibility. The post itself will be in with the others, it will just have this additional link to it. sound good?

To Do: (sorry, but I really need to have an updated one or I forget)

1) Put main footer outside mainbody in php
2) add daymarker to php
3) add boolean array for javascript expanded nodes
-----(it will definitely need that)
4) add intro div and "this is discussthing" link to php
5) fix multiple drawing of posts on hom page

1) put gif arrows back into javascript
2) add daymarker to css
3) clean up main discussthing graphics
-----a) footer should have smooth transition
-----b) daymarker graphics
4) update excom css (not a priority until main discussthing site is done)
5) make discussthing intro
6) update structure page to reflect new additions, and try to finalize structure for maximum flexibility (with help from ryan)

Go to: To Do (yar, it do be soon!)

DiscussThing Workshop: Paz on 2004-10-04 12:20:21

$10!!! thats 450 rupees! my god I could eat 7 huge dinners with that...

Go to: A New Thread was Badly Needed

DiscussThing Workshop: LordeSloth on 2004-10-04 06:47:47

This is bizarre. If you log in as me, there is no problem. If you log in as you, then it's as you say: two posts each time...

My hypothesis is that you have more than one "right" the this group, and I only have the "owner" status. I changded this over the weekend while playing with the rights and privleges. I bet you $10 that's it.

Go to: A New Thread was Badly Needed

Sunday October 3rd 2004

DiscussThing Workshop: Paz on 2004-10-03 19:48:48

ok so it is just the overll home page though, if I go to the workshop home than it only shows each post once. so check the function that draws posts from all the grous when you first log in without choosing a group.

Go to: A New Thread was Badly Needed

DiscussThing Workshop: Paz on 2004-10-03 19:43:48

oh man what the hell... i just realized its not just those posts, its drawing every post twice. I dont know why you dont see it, it does it every time here. the php must somehow be hiccupping or something? It doesnt matter which browser I use because its written in the generated html.

Go to: A New Thread was Badly Needed

DiscussThing Workshop: LordeSloth on 2004-10-03 16:24:41

I don't understand... You don't mean in the JS, do you? Because it should do it there... Last three days... so you mean if you just go layout/index, and log in, the same post is repeated? It doesn't seem that way to me. Maybe I'll log in as you...

Go to: A New Thread was Badly Needed

DiscussThing Workshop: Paz on 2004-10-03 14:11:07

i checked the html, its definitely creating multiple versions of each post in the "last three days". this makes sense because the algorithm just goes through by topic and takes posts from each topic right? i know this isnt a browser issue, i checked it on both and its written in the html. every post from this thread gets shown twice because it is part of two topics. also, i made a mistake saying it needs multiple lines of "go to", it just needs to have no duplicates.

i cleaned up the site of junk, but i ddint empty the trash because I though you might want to back u some of the things we've posted over the last few months.

Go to: A New Thread was Badly Needed

DiscussThing Workshop: LordeSloth on 2004-10-03 10:41:13

Laz, I don't see it... The home page draws posts more than once if they have more than one topic? (You meant topic not group right?) Doesn't seem to on my end...

Go to: A New Thread was Badly Needed

DiscussThing Workshop: Paz on 2004-10-03 08:09:02

hmmm the home page displays multiple versions of posts if they are in multiple groups... i guess we need a special case for multiple group posts? maybe if a post has more than one group then we draw multiple lines of "Go to:" under the post.

footer still fucked... its gotta just be missing a few end div tags.

I'll remove all the superfluous stuff right now. I think most of everything is set up besides the skins for the different groups. we have our javascript folder, our users folder, our skins folder, our group icons folder... i dont know what else we need.

Go to: A New Thread was Badly Needed

Saturday October 2nd 2004

DiscussThing Workshop: LordeSloth on 2004-10-02 22:51:01

Finally for tonight... Check out how this Essay appears under multiple topics in the JS. Try creating a new thread of your own, and append more than one topic to it. ODONNELL

Go to: A New Thread was Badly Needed

DiscussThing Workshop: LordeSloth on 2004-10-02 21:38:20

My god, the footer is totally out of wack... ????

Go to: A New Thread was Badly Needed

DiscussThing Workshop: LordeSloth on 2004-10-02 21:36:18

I like the idea of moving over the thumbnails. Let's go even farther, and set up these files as we want them in the main directory, moving the css experiment pages into subdirectories. Just so we're on the same page about it. If you want to do this, tell me when you have moved all your files into subfiles, and then I will copy the layout/ directory over into the main directory. We should remove all the stuff from the main directory that is superfluous.

Go to: A New Thread was Badly Needed

DiscussThing Workshop: LordeSloth on 2004-10-02 21:01:06

NewUser function should work. It was cool. I created a new user and then assigned him rights to a group in like 30 seconds...

Must fix the aggregate page. It doesn't seem to show the last three days if there was nothing within three days...

Go to: A New Thread was Badly Needed

DiscussThing Workshop: Paz on 2004-10-02 20:46:43

DiscussThing Workshop: LordeSloth on 2004-10-02 19:09:09

I did it.... These posts.... DO NOT REPEAT!!!!!

Go to: Opening Site up the Public

DiscussThing Workshop: LordeSloth on 2004-10-02 19:08:53

Unless you type something different in between.

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DiscussThing Workshop: LordeSloth on 2004-10-02 19:07:00

I did it.... These posts.... DO NOT REPEAT!!!!!

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DiscussThing Workshop: LordeSloth on 2004-10-02 19:05:44

High pitched singing is horrible! !! !

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DiscussThing Workshop: LordeSloth on 2004-10-02 19:03:52

High pitched singing is horrible! !! !

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DiscussThing Workshop: LordeSloth on 2004-10-02 19:03:42

High pitched singing is horrible! !! !

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DiscussThing Workshop: LordeSloth on 2004-10-02 19:01:18

DiscussThing Workshop: LordeSloth on 2004-10-02 18:58:37

DiscussThing Workshop: LordeSloth on 2004-10-02 18:58:25

DiscussThing Workshop: LordeSloth on 2004-10-02 18:58:05


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DiscussThing Workshop: LordeSloth on 2004-10-02 18:57:49


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DiscussThing Workshop: LordeSloth on 2004-10-02 18:55:33


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DiscussThing Workshop: LordeSloth on 2004-10-02 18:53:04


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DiscussThing Workshop: LordeSloth on 2004-10-02 18:52:55


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DiscussThing Workshop: LordeSloth on 2004-10-02 18:52:09

DiscussThing Workshop: LordeSloth on 2004-10-02 18:49:29

DiscussThing Workshop: LordeSloth on 2004-10-02 18:49:11

DiscussThing Workshop: LordeSloth on 2004-10-02 18:48:14

DiscussThing Workshop: LordeSloth on 2004-10-02 18:46:48

DiscussThing Workshop: LordeSloth on 2004-10-02 18:44:57

DiscussThing Workshop: LordeSloth on 2004-10-02 18:44:42

Everyone's MAD here! I have no idea why that's happening... in Firefox it seems to be in the right place. But the real question is whether this post will repeat upon refresh.

Go to: Opening Site up the Public

DiscussThing Workshop: LordeSloth on 2004-10-02 18:44:32

Everyone's MAD here! I have no idea why that's happening... in Firefox it seems to be in the right place. But the real question is whether this post will repeat upon refresh.

Go to: Opening Site up the Public

DiscussThing Workshop: Paz on 2004-10-02 18:38:59


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DiscussThing Workshop: Paz on 2004-10-02 18:32:27

ok ok calm down, its atually fucked up in IE too, i just wasnt on the right page. somehow the divs didnt get closed right or something, because underneath the createpost box is the main footer

Go to: Opening Site up the Public

DiscussThing Workshop: Paz on 2004-10-02 18:30:11

what the fuck? did it mix up the cp_footer div with the footer div? it makes no sense!

Go to: Opening Site up the Public

DiscussThing Workshop: Paz on 2004-10-02 18:27:12

HOLY LORD IN HEAVEN the form works fine in IE but in mozilla the main footer is inside the main body, and inside the postframe in fact! how the FUCK can that happen!? GODDAM IT

Go to: Opening Site up the Public

DiscussThing Workshop: LordeSloth on 2004-10-02 18:26:22

WhenWillRyanSnap.com now accepts American Express.

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DiscussThing Workshop: LordeSloth on 2004-10-02 18:25:02

I see... So is the xml format OK afterall?

Perhaps you can tell I am testing duplicates testing duplicates testing duplicates testing duplicates testing duplicates testing duplicates testing duplicates testing duplicates

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DiscussThing Workshop: Paz on 2004-10-02 18:24:01

uhhh that should read "completely snap"... hmm that cant be good for my chances

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DiscussThing Workshop: Paz on 2004-10-02 18:23:12

dang and i just gave elana $5 for guessing closest to the date you completely. i guess there WAS a rational explanation for those posts.

Go to: Opening Site up the Public

DiscussThing Workshop: LordeSloth on 2004-10-02 18:20:47

I see... So is the xml format OK afterall?

Perhaps you can tell I am testing duplicates testing duplicates testing duplicates testing duplicates testing duplicates testing duplicates testing duplicates testing duplicates

Go to: Opening Site up the Public

DiscussThing Workshop: LordeSloth on 2004-10-02 18:16:42

I see... So is the xml format OK afterall?

Perhaps you can tell I am testing duplicates testing duplicates testing duplicates testing duplicates testing duplicates testing duplicates testing duplicates testing duplicates

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DiscussThing Workshop: LordeSloth on 2004-10-02 18:16:18

I see... So is the xml format OK afterall?

Perhaps you can tell I am testing duplicates testing duplicates testing duplicates testing duplicates testing duplicates testing duplicates testing duplicates testing duplicates

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DiscussThing Workshop: LordeSloth on 2004-10-02 18:14:44

DiscussThing Workshop: Paz on 2004-10-02 18:14:03

and the comment form bottom i left flat so that it would match up with the outer footer graphic

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DiscussThing Workshop: LordeSloth on 2004-10-02 18:13:01

DiscussThing Workshop: LordeSloth on 2004-10-02 18:12:52

DiscussThing Workshop: LordeSloth on 2004-10-02 18:12:09

DiscussThing Workshop: Paz on 2004-10-02 18:11:44

ahhhh. the footer problem with the posts is taht I assumed there would be no text in the post footers, so i mde them just tall enough for the image

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DiscussThing Workshop: LordeSloth on 2004-10-02 18:10:44

DiscussThing Workshop: LordeSloth on 2004-10-02 18:09:47

DiscussThing Workshop: LordeSloth on 2004-10-02 18:09:33

DiscussThing Workshop: LordeSloth on 2004-10-02 18:09:10

DiscussThing Workshop: Paz on 2004-10-02 18:09:06

DiscussThing Workshop: LordeSloth on 2004-10-02 18:08:25

DiscussThing Workshop: Paz on 2004-10-02 18:07:56

wait it really isnt happening over there? The footer is definitely directly under the create post form, and inside the mainbody. it is only on this page though, not the main page

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DiscussThing Workshop: LordeSloth on 2004-10-02 18:07:50

DiscussThing Workshop: LordeSloth on 2004-10-02 18:06:35

DiscussThing Workshop: LordeSloth on 2004-10-02 18:04:49

DiscussThing Workshop: LordeSloth on 2004-10-02 18:04:22

DiscussThing Workshop: LordeSloth on 2004-10-02 18:01:59

Hmmm... Are you sure the footer is within the mainbody? I don't see that.

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DiscussThing Workshop: LordeSloth on 2004-10-02 18:00:56

Hmmm... Are you sure the footer is within the mainbody? I don't see that.

Go to: Opening Site up the Public

DiscussThing Workshop: LordeSloth on 2004-10-02 17:58:19

Hmmm... Are you sure the footer is within the mainbody? I don't see that.

Go to: Opening Site up the Public

DiscussThing Workshop: LordeSloth on 2004-10-02 17:57:21

Hmmm... Are you sure the footer is within the mainbody? I don't see that.

Go to: Opening Site up the Public

DiscussThing Workshop: LordeSloth on 2004-10-02 17:56:36

Hmmm... Are you sure the footer is within the mainbody? I don't see that.

Go to: Opening Site up the Public

DiscussThing Workshop: LordeSloth on 2004-10-02 17:48:02

Hmmm... Are you sure the footer is within the mainbody? I don't see that.

Go to: Opening Site up the Public

DiscussThing Workshop: LordeSloth on 2004-10-02 17:47:22

Hmmm... Are you sure the footer is within the mainbody? I don't see that.

Go to: Opening Site up the Public

DiscussThing Workshop: LordeSloth on 2004-10-02 17:39:44

Hmmm... Are you sure the footer is within the mainbody? I don't see that.

Go to: Opening Site up the Public

DiscussThing Workshop: LordeSloth on 2004-10-02 15:15:53

About the comment form... Don't you see it as not rounded at the bottom? That's why I asked if I were doing it wrong. But just maybe it's because of the footer is within the mainbody div, which I didn't notice.

Yeah, the refresh posting is a problem. Here's a good old fashioned programming problem for you: how to prevent this? It won't work to simply check the database for duplicates and not allow them. (That permits you to say simple things (like "test") only once. Yet the unpon resubmission, PHP doesn't have a way to destroy the variable triggering the post function... This is actually a heavily documented and common PHP issue.

No, Laz, we're on the same page: Muslims do deserve death. Wait, you said death, not freedom, right? This reminds me of my job at fairvote.org this week, when I had to make a photoshop chart explaining how instant run off voting works, and for fun, at the bottom of the flowchart, where all the steps lead to was a box reading: WHITE MALE ASSURED OF VICTORY. I guess they didn't think that was as funny as I did.

Transparent gifs: use PS's save for web. Make sure "Transparency" is checked, and then you have to choose the right interlace whatever the fuck it is, I think it's "Perceptual" or "Pattern." You know EXACTLY what I'm talking about.

Maybe tonight (oh who am I kidding, I have nothing else to do...) I will try to plug some of the security holes with the GateKeeper function and work on some of the mundane things like NewUser(). Also want to fix this refresh bullshit. Perhaps before we truly go live we should get a third person in on this to Beta test, and find flaws we haven't?

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DiscussThing Workshop: Paz on 2004-10-02 08:37:56

hmmm if i refresh it posts again, how odd

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DiscussThing Workshop: Paz on 2004-10-02 08:37:26

it is coming out pretty sweet. we should move all the user icons over... I made a folder "Users" and put an icon of betaknee in there. in fact, here it is:

if she wants a new one, she'll just have to email me one.

Go to: Opening Site up the Public

DiscussThing Workshop: Paz on 2004-10-02 08:10:31

it is coming out pretty sweet. we should move all the user icons over... I made a folder "Users" and put an icon of betaknee in there. in fact, here it is:

if she wants a new one, she'll just have to email me one.

Go to: Opening Site up the Public

DiscussThing Workshop: Paz on 2004-10-02 08:01:07

just a quick response for now to some of the comments you raise:

1) yes, I forgot about the date divider, I'll make that div

2) The problem here is the transition from the last post to the footer graphic. Maybe bet to just changes the footer graphic, but it wont be as smooth as if we had a special "last post" div. nah, in purist form I'll just monkey with the footer graphic, maybe get rid of my special tree.

3) Sorry I am not sure what you mean.

4) the beauty of it is, every skin can have its own way

5) The img tag has its own div, I just havent updated the excom css yet. fear ye not.

6) stupid boxes. actually I need your help with that: we need transparent gifs and I cant seem to make them (i noticed you were able with the group pictures, but it didnt work when i saved a gif with an alpha channel). the arrows will not be controlled by the css, so we need to make them compatible with all skins. The current graphics are downarrow.jpg and arrow.jpg, and are defined in the javascript file tree_format.js

7) sounds good. footer is a good place for a nice little logo and a disclaimer about jews or something.

8) Maybe... it would also be cool if it were a featured link at the "home" section, maybe above the most recent posts.

9) I disagree, I think Muslims do deserve freedom.

The javascript thing should work fine: it doesnt look at the nesting, only the placement of nodes in their html order. i.e. it counts through all the nested ones before moving on. Its true, I think the best you can do (unless we find something radically diferent) is open what should be open, rather than the last state the user had.

The essay topic editor is a good idea. also something maybe for the future: i would like to be able to edit posts for grammatical errors and typos. not necessary right now, but it would be good long term to have the ability wthout going into the slow, slow, slow, database itself.

and I noticed the div sructure of this thread is a bit off in the html: the footer is inside the mainbody div.

Go to: Opening Site up the Public

Friday October 1st 2004

DiscussThing Workshop: LordeSloth on 2004-10-01 23:00:34

Some accomplishments

1. Added groupimage div. Making shadows with CSS was a truly great idea. I COMMEND THEE.

2. Check out how users will be able to append more topics to their essays. A form will appear in this post itself if you are the original essay-writer. Doesnt work yet though.

3. Also now when you click on a post from the aggregate page you jump right to that post, not to the top, as in the old laz.cc setup.

Some comments

1. Still need a date divider header for grouping posts by day. (Could be useful for other things later, too.)

2. Seems the footer graphic still has at the top what the sp_footer div is supposed to do.

3. What am I doing wrong in the commentform tags? (Bottom fucked up)

4. This may be a better way to do shadows with CSS: http://www.thesheepthing.com/bobinvite/

5. Also, the DIV does not yet override the size of the button. (See the current excom.) I believe the img tag itself will need an ID for that...

6. Still are funny boxes where the JS arrows used to be.

7. I dont think we should put the discussthing logo on all sites. But the footer shoudl definately read: Powered by DiscussThing or something, and maybe a mini-logo there.

8.Should the DiscussThing Descriptionn simply be a prominent essay in the usual topic list?


I think this is coming along really well. I like the way you redid the xml structure. This site will kick serious ass when done. The possibilities are almost endless!!! I am now being kicked out of this internet cafe.

Go to: Opening Site up the Public

DiscussThing Workshop: LordeSloth on 2004-10-01 20:20:03

Ok, starting to make those div changes. They are a good thing, even though I still worry that ignoring the difference between class and id will limit our ability to apply certain styles, such as formatting the first letter of each essay post to be big like in a magazine, and other properties as well.

I tried putting the "Go to" button in the footer but it didn't go.

I agree about waiting for the large posts, but I put that one up there (as vague and poorly formed/written as it was) just to generate some reactions. I think we are succeeding at drumming up activity, actually.

Not sure how the PHP will work with the JS yet... Since everything is nested, it doesn't work so well to count the nodes sequentially... But maybe I am wrong. Also, when you click on the JS, it has no way of notifying the PHP. The most I could do is keep the appropriate group open... More Later.

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