\n"); #print_r($_POST); #print_r($_GET); echo("\n"); $username="lazarus_toomey"; $password="wizzb"; $database="lazarus_legislation"; $forminput = $_POST['formaction']; connectAndSelectDB($username,$password,$database); #runNameIDConversion("Representative"); #makeSpecificUpdates(); switch ($state) { case "input_rep": $type = "Representative"; drawHeader("Input ".$type); handleFormAction($forminput, $type); drawInputLegForm($type); drawExistingLegislators($type); drawFooter(); break; case "input_sen": $type = "Senator"; drawHeader("Input ".$type); handleFormAction($forminput, $type); drawInputLegForm($type); drawExistingLegislators($type); drawFooter(); break; case "list_all_requests": drawHeader("All Current Requests"); drawAllRequests("Representative"); drawAllRequests("Senator"); drawFooter(); break; case "build_email": drawHeader("".(returnSimpleLink("add_by_leg&legid=".$legid,getNameByID($legid)))." -> Build Email"); handleFormAction($forminput,''); echo "
"; buildEmailForm($legid); echo "
"; drawFooter(); break; case "add_by_leg": drawHeader(getNameByID($legid)); handleFormAction($forminput,''); echo "
"; drawAddCosponsorForm($legid); drawAddAideForm($legid); drawExisting($legid,"aides","aide_boss","aide_num","Aide","aide_fname","aide_lname","aide_title",''); drawExisting($legid,"requests","req_sponsor","req_num","Request","req_refile","req_new","req_status",1); drawBuildEmailForm($legid); drawPreviousBillsByLegislator($legid); echo "
"; drawFooter(); break; case "": drawHeader(""); drawLinks(); drawCosponsorLegislators("Representative"); drawCosponsorLegislators("Senator"); drawFooter(); } mysql_close(); function handleFormAction($t_forminput,$t_type) { switch ($t_forminput) { case "Add Name": enterLegislatorInfo($t_type); break; case "Add Request": enterRequestInfo($_GET['legid']); break; case "Add Aide": enterAideInfo(); break; case "Invitations Received": checkReceived($_POST['legid']); break; case "Delete Entry": deleteEntry($_POST['del_table'],$_POST['del_index'],$_POST['del_num']); break; case "Click to Add": enterRequestInfo($_POST['refile_sponsor']); break; case "Mark as Sent": markAsSent($_GET['legid']); break; } } function drawAllRequests($t_type) { $query = "SELECT * FROM legislators WHERE leg_type = '$t_type' ORDER BY leg_lname ASC"; $result=retrieveFromDatabase($query); $num_rows = mysql_num_rows($result); echo ""; echo "

"; echo "

"; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo "
"; echo "
"; echo "Legislator Name"; echo "
"; echo "
"; echo "09/10 Cosponsored"; echo ""; echo "07/08 Cosponsored"; echo "
"; if ($num_rows > 0) { while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $temp_legid = $row['leg_num']; drawBillsByLegislator($temp_legid); } } } function drawBillsByLegislator($t_legid) { echo "
"; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo "
"; $t_name = getNameByID($t_legid); echo "
"; drawLink("add_by_leg&legid=".$t_legid,$t_name); echo "
"; echo "
"; drawRequestsSimple($t_legid); echo ""; drawCosponsoredSimple($t_legid); echo "
"; echo "
"; } function drawRequestsSimple($t_legid) { $query2 = "SELECT * FROM requests WHERE req_sponsor = '$t_legid' ORDER BY req_refile ASC"; $result2=retrieveFromDatabase($query2); $num_rows2 = mysql_num_rows($result2); if ($num_rows2 > 0) { while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result2)) { $temp_reqid = $row['req_num']; $temp_refile = $row['req_refile']; $temp_new = $row['req_new']; echo "
"; if ($temp_refile == 0) { echo $temp_new; } else { drawBillSimple($temp_refile); } echo "
"; } } } function drawCosponsoredSimple($t_legid) { $arrCOS = getCosponsoredList($t_legid); foreach ($arrCOS as $key => $val) { echo "
"; drawBillSimple($key); echo "
"; } } function drawBuildEmailForm($legid) { ?>
$value) { addRadioToForm("toname",$key,$key,$key); } } function getLegislatorTitle($t_legid) { $query = "SELECT * FROM legislators WHERE leg_num = '$t_legid' LIMIT 1"; $result=mysql_query($query); $row = mysql_fetch_array($result); return $row['leg_type']; } function getAideList($t_legid) { $tempARR = array(); $query = "SELECT * FROM aides WHERE aide_boss = '$t_legid'"; $result=retrieveFromDatabase($query); $num_rows = mysql_num_rows($result); if ($num_rows > 0) { while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $aidefname=$row['aide_fname']; $tempARR[$aidefname] = 1; } } return $tempARR; } function drawPreviousBillsByLegislator($t_legid) { echo "
"; echo "07/08 All Sponsored Bills"; $arrCOS = getCosponsoredList($t_legid); $query = "SELECT * FROM allbills WHERE bill_sponsorid = '$t_legid'"; $result=retrieveFromDatabase($query); $num_rows = mysql_num_rows($result); echo ""; if ($num_rows > 0) { while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $bill_num=$row['bill_num']; $bill_sponsorid=$row['bill_sponsorid']; $already_requested = checkIfPresent($bill_num,"requests","req_refile"); echo ""; $billtype = ""; if ($arrCOS[$bill_num]) { $billtype = "cosponsored"; } drawBillInTable($bill_num,$billtype); echo ""; } } echo "
"; if ($already_requested > 0) { echo "
"; echo "Already Requested"; echo "
"; } else { echo "
"; drawClickToAdd($bill_sponsorid,$bill_num); echo "
"; } echo "
"; echo "
"; } function getCosponsoredList($t_legid) { $query = "SELECT * FROM cosponsored"; $arrCOS = array(); $result=retrieveFromDatabase($query); $num_rows = mysql_num_rows($result); if ($num_rows > 0) { while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $bill_num=$row['bill_num']; $query2 = "SELECT * FROM allbills WHERE bill_num = '$bill_num'"; $result2=retrieveFromDatabase($query2); $row2 = mysql_fetch_array($result2); $bill_sponsorid=$row2['bill_sponsorid']; if ($bill_sponsorid == $t_legid) { $arrCOS[$bill_num] = 1; } } } return $arrCOS; } function getBillLink($t_billnum) { $str = "http://www.mass.gov/legis/bills/house/185/ht0"; $str = $str.(floor($t_billnum/1000)); $str = $str."/ht0".(leadingZeros($t_billnum,4)).".htm"; return $str; } function drawPreviousCosponsored($t_legid) { echo "
"; echo "07/08 Cosponsored Bills"; $query = "SELECT * FROM cosponsored"; $arrCOS = array(); $result=retrieveFromDatabase($query); $num_rows = mysql_num_rows($result); echo ""; if ($num_rows > 0) { while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $bill_num=$row['bill_num']; $query2 = "SELECT * FROM allbills WHERE bill_num = '$bill_num'"; $result2=retrieveFromDatabase($query2); $row2 = mysql_fetch_array($result2); $bill_sponsorid=$row2['bill_sponsorid']; if ($bill_sponsorid == $t_legid) { $already_requested = checkIfPresent($bill_num,"requests","req_refile"); echo ""; drawBillInTable($bill_num,$billtype); echo ""; } } } echo "
"; if ($already_requested > 0) { echo "
"; echo "Already Requested"; echo "
"; } else { echo "
"; drawClickToAdd($bill_sponsorid,$bill_num); echo "
"; } echo "
"; echo "
"; } function drawClickToAdd($t_sponsor,$t_billnum) { ?>
"; echo ""; echo $b_num; echo ""; echo ""; echo ": ".$b_title; } function drawBillInTable($t_billnum,$t_billtype) { $query = "SELECT * FROM allbills WHERE bill_num = '$t_billnum'"; $result=retrieveFromDatabase($query); $row = mysql_fetch_array($result); $b_num=$row['bill_num']; $b_title=$row['bill_title']; echo ""; echo ""; echo $b_num; echo ""; echo ""; if ($t_billtype == "cosponsored") { echo "
"; } echo $b_title; if ($t_billtype == "cosponsored") { echo "
"; } echo ""; } function checkIfPresent($t_bill_num,$t_table,$t_match) { $query = "SELECT * FROM $t_table WHERE $t_match = '$t_bill_num' LIMIT 1"; $result=retrieveFromDatabase($query); $row = mysql_fetch_array($result); $num_rows = mysql_num_rows($result); return $num_rows; } function makeSpecificUpdates() { updateBillSponsorID("Bradley H. Jones, Jr.", 125); updateBillSponsorID("Harold P. Naughton, Jr.", 152); updateBillSponsorID("Carl M. Sciortino, Jr.", 184); updateBillSponsorID("George N. Peterson, Jr.", 161); updateBillSponsorID("Jennifer L. Flanagan", 20); updateBillSponsorID("James B. Eldridge", 18); updateBillSponsorID("William G. Greene, Jr.", 114); updateBillSponsorID("Timothy J. Toomey, Jr.", 202); updateBillSponsorID("F. Jay Barrows", 59); updateBillSponsorID("Thomas A. Golden, Jr.", 112); updateBillSponsorID("Angelo J. Puppolo, Jr.", 167); updateBillSponsorID("Donald F. Humason, Jr.",124); } function updateBillSponsorID($name, $id) { $query = "UPDATE allbills SET bill_sponsorid = '$id' WHERE bill_sponsor = '$name'"; echo $query; mysql_query($query); } function runNameIDConversion($t_type) { $query = "SELECT * FROM legislators WHERE leg_type = '$t_type' ORDER BY leg_lname ASC"; $arrLEGS = array(); $result=retrieveFromDatabase($query); $num_rows = mysql_num_rows($result); if ($num_rows > 0) { while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $temp_lname=$row['leg_lname']; $temp_fname=$row['leg_fname']; $temp_legid = $row['leg_num']; $arrLEGS[$temp_legid] = $temp_fname." ".$temp_lname; } } #print_r($arrLEGS); $query = "SELECT * FROM allbills ORDER BY bill_num ASC"; $arrBILLS[0] = "Bills"; $result=retrieveFromDatabase($query); $num_rows = mysql_num_rows($result); if ($num_rows > 0) { while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $temp_name=$row['bill_sponsor']; $temp_id = $row['bill_num']; $arrBILLS[$temp_id] = $temp_name; } } #print_r($arrBILLS); $loopmax = 200; $loopnum = 0; $arrLEGIDS = array(); foreach ($arrLEGS as $key => $value) { if ($loopnum < $loopmax) { #echo "Key: $key; Value: $value
\n"; $loopnum = $loopnum+1; #echo $value."
\n"; foreach ($arrBILLS as $bkey => $bvalue) { similar_text($value,$bvalue,$p); if ($p > 80) { #echo $bvalue.": ".$p."
\n"; $arrLEGIDS[$bkey] = $key; } } #echo "
\n"; } else { break; } } foreach ($arrLEGIDS as $billnum => $legnum) { $query = "UPDATE allbills SET bill_sponsorid = '$legnum' WHERE bill_num = '$billnum' LIMIT 1"; mysql_query($query); } } function drawAddAideForm($t_legid) { ?>
First Name:
Last Name:
".$name.""; ?>
Refile Number:
- Or -
New Bill Title:
"; echo $text.""; } function getNameByID($t_legid) { $query = "SELECT * FROM legislators WHERE leg_num = '$t_legid' LIMIT 1"; $result=mysql_query($query); $row = mysql_fetch_array($result); return $row['leg_lname'].", ".$row['leg_fname']; } function getLastNameByID($t_legid) { $query = "SELECT * FROM legislators WHERE leg_num = '$t_legid' LIMIT 1"; $result=mysql_query($query); $row = mysql_fetch_array($result); return $row['leg_type']." ".$row['leg_lname']; } function enterLegislatorInfo($t_type) { $fname = verifyInput($_POST['fname']); $lname = verifyInput($_POST['lname']); $err = ""; if ($fname == "") $err = $err."Error: First name not entered"; if ($lname == "") $err = $err."Error: Last name not entered"; if ($err) { redAlert($err); } else { addLegToDatabase($t_type,$fname,$lname); redAlert("Added Name: ".$fname." ".$lname); } } function addLegToDatabase($t_type,$f_name,$l_name) { $query = "INSERT INTO legislators VALUES ('','$t_type','$f_name','$l_name','','0')"; mysql_query($query); } function drawCosponsorLegislators($t_type) { echo "
"; $query = "SELECT * FROM legislators WHERE leg_type = '$t_type' ORDER BY leg_lname ASC"; $result=retrieveFromDatabase($query); $num_rows = mysql_num_rows($result); echo "Select a ".$t_type." to add a request from:"; echo ""; if ($num_rows > 0) { while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { echo ""; } } else { echo "No ".$t_type."s in records."; } echo "
"; $temp_lname=$row['leg_lname']; $temp_fname=$row['leg_fname']; $temp_received = $row['leg_received']; $temp_legid = $row['leg_num']; $temp_emailed = $row['leg_email']; $t_name = $temp_lname.", ".$temp_fname; $num_of_requests = getNumberOfEntries("requests","req_sponsor",$temp_legid); $num_of_aides = getNumberOfEntries("aides","aide_boss",$temp_legid); if ($temp_emailed == 1) { echo "
"; } elseif ($num_of_requests + $num_of_aides == 0) { echo "
"; } else { echo "
"; } echo $num_of_requests." Requests, ".$num_of_aides." Aides"; echo "
"; #if ($temp_received == 0) { # drawReceived($temp_legid); #} else { # echo "Invitations Received"; #} echo "
"; echo "
"; drawLink("add_by_leg&legid=".$temp_legid,$t_name); echo "
"; echo "
"; echo "
"; } function getNumberOfEntries($table,$match,$legid) { $query = "SELECT * FROM $table WHERE $match = '$legid'"; $result=retrieveFromDatabase($query); $num_rows = mysql_num_rows($result); return $num_rows; } function drawReceived($t_legid) { ?>
"; $arrCOS = getCosponsoredList($legid); $query = "SELECT * FROM $table WHERE $match = '$legid' ORDER BY $info1 ASC"; $result=retrieveFromDatabase($query); $num_rows = mysql_num_rows($result); echo "Current ".$name."s (".$num_rows."):"; echo ""; if ($num_rows > 0) { while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $temp_1=$row[$info1]; $temp_2=$row[$info2]; $temp_3=$row[$info3]; $num = $row[$id]; echo ""; } else { $billtype = ""; if ($arrCOS[$temp_1]) { $billtype = "cosponsored"; } drawBillInTable($temp_1,$billtype); } } else { echo ""; } echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; } } else { echo "No ".$name."s in records."; } echo "
"; echo "
"; if ($isbill) { if ($temp_1 == '0') { echo "
NEW?"; echo $temp_2; echo "".$temp_1." ".$temp_2.", ".$temp_3; echo ""; drawDeleteButton($table,$id,$num); echo "
"; echo ""; } function drawDeleteButton($t_table,$t_index,$t_num) { ?>
"; $query = "SELECT * FROM legislators WHERE leg_type = '$t_type' ORDER BY leg_lname ASC"; $result=retrieveFromDatabase($query); $num_rows = mysql_num_rows($result); echo "Current ".$t_type."s (".$num_rows."):"; if ($num_rows > 0) { while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $temp_lname=$row['leg_lname']; $temp_fname=$row['leg_fname']; echo "
"; echo $temp_lname.", ".$temp_fname; echo "
"; } } else { echo "No ".$t_type."s in records."; } echo ""; } function verifyInput($text) { $input = $text; $input = htmlspecialchars($input); if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) { // if magic quotes is enabled, get rid of those // pesky slashes $input = stripslashes($input); } $input = mysql_real_escape_string($input); return $input; } function redAlert($alert_text) { echo "
"; echo $alert_text; echo "
"; } function drawInputLegForm($type) { echo "
"; echo "

".$type." Input Form

"; ?>
First Name:
Last Name:
"; } function drawLinks() { echo "
"; drawLink("input_rep","Input Representative Form"); drawLink("input_sen","Input Senator Form"); drawLink("list_all_requests","List All Cosponsored Bills"); echo "

"; echo "
"; } function drawLink($function,$text) { echo "
"; echo ""; echo $text; echo ""; echo "
"; } function returnSimpleLink($function,$text) { return "".$text.""; } function drawHeader($t_crumb) { echo "
"; echo ""; echo "Home"; echo ""; if ($t_crumb) { echo "
"; echo " -> ".$t_crumb; echo "
"; } echo "
"; echo "
"; } function drawFooter() { ## end mainbody_wrapper echo "
"; echo "
"; echo "
"; } function retrieveFromDatabase($query) { $result=mysql_query($query); #$result = stripslashes($result); return $result; } function leadingZeros($value, $places){ // Function written by Marcus L. Griswold (vujsa) // Can be found at http://www.handyphp.com // Do not remove this header! if(is_numeric($value)){ for($x = 1; $x <= $places; $x++){ $ceiling = pow(10, $x); if($value < $ceiling){ $zeros = $places - $x; for($y = 1; $y <= $zeros; $y++){ $leading .= "0"; } $x = $places + 1; } } $output = $leading . $value; } else{ $output = $value; } return $output; } function drawIntro($to_name,$l_name,$numrows) { $plural = ""; if ($numrows == 1) { $plural = "bill"; } else { $plural = "bills"; } echo "Rep. Toomey would like to cosponsor ".$numrows." ".$plural." filed by ".$l_name; echo "

"; echo "Hi ".$to_name.",

"; echo "Representative Toomey would like to cosponsor the following ".$plural." from your office:

"; } function drawSignature($from_name) { echo "
"; echo "Please let our office know if you need any other information or have any questions.
"; echo "Thank you,

"; echo $from_name."
"; echo "Legislative Aide for Representative Tim Toomey
"; echo "617.722.2692"; } function getBillTitle($t_billnum) { $query = "SELECT * FROM allbills WHERE bill_num = '$t_billnum'"; $result=retrieveFromDatabase($query); $row = mysql_fetch_array($result); $b_num=$row['bill_num']; $b_title=$row['bill_title']; return $b_title; } function buildEmailForm($t_legid) { $query = "SELECT * FROM requests WHERE req_sponsor = '$t_legid' ORDER BY req_refile ASC"; $result = retrieveFromDatabase($query); $num_rows = mysql_num_rows($result); $lname = getLastNameByID($t_legid); drawIntro($_POST['toname'],$lname,$num_rows); $billcount = 1; while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $temp_num=$row['req_num']; $temp_new = $row['req_new']; $temp_refile=$row['req_refile']; if ($temp_new) { echo $billcount.") ".$temp_new."
"; } else { echo $billcount.") ".getBillTitle($temp_refile)." (Refile of H".$temp_refile."), "."
"; } $billcount = $billcount+1; } drawSignature($_POST['fromname']); buildSentForm($t_legid); } function buildSentForm($t_legid) { ?>
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