\n"); #print_r($_POST); #print_r($_GET); #print_r($HTTP_SESSION_VARS); #print_r($_SERVER); echo("\n"); $username="lazarus_toomey"; $password="wizzb"; $database="lazarus_toomey"; if ($_GET['function']) $state="function_".$_GET['function']; if ($_POST['state']) $state=$_POST['state']; $notenum=$_GET['notenumber']; if ($_POST['notenumber']) $notenum=$_POST['notenumber']; $subject=$_POST['subject']; $note=$_POST['note']; $type=0+$_POST['notetype']; $todo=0+$_POST['notetodo']; $daysback = 60; connectAndSelectDB($username,$password,$database); switch ($state) { case "Preview Email": updateChecks(); drawHeader(); previewEmail(); displayOldDays($daysback); drawFooter(); break; case "Preview Print": updateChecks(); previewPrint(); break; case "Update Checks": updateChecks(); drawHeader(); drawFullLetter(); displayOldDays($daysback); drawFooter(); break; case "Send Email": drawHeader(); redAlert("Should have sent email"); drawFullLetter(); displayOldDays($daysback); drawFooter(); break; case "Send Text Message": drawHeader(); sendNote($notenum); drawFullLetter(); displayOldDays($daysback); drawFooter(); break; case "Add Note": addNote($subject, $note, $type, $todo); drawHeader(); drawFullLetter(); displayOldDays($daysback); drawFooter(); break; case "Update Note": updateNote($notenum, $subject, $note, $type, $todo); drawHeader(); drawFullLetter(); displayOldDays($daysback); drawFooter(); break; case "function_delete": drawHeader(); deleteNote($notenum); redAlert("Deleted note number ".$notenum); drawFullLetter(); displayOldDays($daysback); drawFooter(); break; case "Add New User": drawHeader(); submitContact(); drawSettings(); displayOldDays($daysback); drawFooter(); break; case "function_settings": drawHeader(); drawSettings(); displayOldDays($daysback); drawFooter(); break; case "function_edit": drawHeader(); redAlert("Editing note number ".$notenum); editNote($notenum); displayOldDays($daysback); drawFooter(); break; case "function_sendsms": echo "Sending note number ".$notenum; drawHeader(); drawSMSSender($notenum); displayOldDays($daysback); drawFooter(); break; case "function_copytotoday": echo "Copying note number ".$notenum; break; case "Cancel": drawHeader(); drawFullLetter(); displayOldDays($daysback); drawFooter(); break; case "": drawHeader(); drawFullLetter(); displayOldDays($daysback); drawFooter(); } mysql_close(); function sendNote($t_notenum) { $text = getNoteText($t_notenum); sendToTextmark($text,6178880545); } function drawSMSSender($note_number) { $text = getNoteText($note_number); echo "
"; drawMainTitle("Send A Text Message"); ?>
Send As Text Message
$text_maxlength) { $str1=substr($text,0,$text_maxlength); $str2=substr($text,$text_maxlength,strlen($text)-$text_maxlength); echo "
"; echo $str1; echo "
"; echo $str2; echo "
"; echo "
"; $alert = "Warning: This note is too long to be texted in full. "; $alert = $alert."The max length is ".$text_maxlength." characters, and everything displayed in red text will be CUT OFF. "; $alert = $alert."You may want to Edit this note."; redAlert($alert); } else { echo "
"; echo $text; echo "
"; } ?>
"; echo ""; echo "Edit Note"; echo ""; echo ""; ?>
"; } function getNoteText($note_num) { $row = retrieveRowByNotenum($note_num); $temp_subject=getEncoded($row['subject']); $temp_note=getEncoded($row['note']); return $temp_subject." >".$temp_note; } function drawHeader() { echo "
"; echo "
"; $function="settings"; echo ""; echo "Settings"; echo ""; echo "
"; echo "
"; drawLoginInformation(); echo "
"; echo ""; echo "Toomey Notes"; echo ""; echo "
"; echo "
"; } function drawLoginInformation() { echo "Currently logged in as: "; echo $_SESSION['user']; } function redAlert($alert_text) { echo "
"; echo $alert_text; echo "
"; } function submitContact() { $c_user = verifyInput($_POST['new_username']); $c_pass = md5(verifyInput($_POST['new_password'])); $c_fname = verifyInput($_POST['firstname']); $c_lname = verifyInput($_POST['lastname']); $c_number = verifyInput($_POST['contactnumber']); $c_email = verifyInput($_POST['email']); subscribeToTextmarks($c_number); $query = "INSERT INTO users VALUES ('',now(),'$c_user','$c_pass','$c_fname','$c_lname','$c_number','$c_email','0','0')"; mysql_query($query); } function subscribeToTextmarks($phone_number) { try { // Try to subscribe a user to a TextMark: $sMyApiKey = 'discussthing_com_8e49cd0b'; $sMyTextMarksUser = '6178880545'; // (or my TextMarks phone#) $sMyTextMarksPass = 'wizzbone'; $sKeyword = 'TOOMEY'; $sPhone = $phone_number; $tmapi = new TextMarksAPIClient_Messaging($sMyApiKey, $sMyTextMarksUser, $sMyTextMarksPass); $tmapi->subscribe($sKeyword, $sPhone); redAlert("Number successfully entered, subscription pending. You will receive a text message from 41411 soon, please reply with a \"Y\""); } catch (Exception $e) { redAlert("Subscription Error: " . $e); } } function sendToTextmark($sms_message,$phone_number) { try { // Try to send a message to a user: $sMyApiKey = 'discussthing_com_8e49cd0b'; $sMyTextMarksUser = '6178880545'; // (or my TextMarks phone#) $sMyTextMarksPass = 'wizzbone'; $sKeyword = 'TOOMEY'; $sMessage = $sms_message; $sPhone = $phone_number; $tmapi = new TextMarksAPIClient_Messaging($sMyApiKey, $sMyTextMarksUser, $sMyTextMarksPass); $tmapi->sendText($sKeyword, $sPhone, $sMessage); redAlert("Successfully sent Text Message."); } catch (Exception $e) { redAlert("Sending Error: " . $e); } } function drawFooter() { ## end mainbody_wrapper echo "
"; echo "
"; echo "Footer text"; echo "
"; } function drawRadioButtons($t_type) { addRadioToForm("notetype","0", $t_type, "Standard"); addRadioToForm("notetype","2", $t_type, "Private"); addRadioToForm("notetype","1", $t_type, "Add to email"); } function addRadioToForm($nam,$val,$t_type, $text) { echo "
"; echo $text."
"; } function retrieveRowByNotenum($notenum) { $query = "SELECT * FROM notes WHERE note_num = $notenum LIMIT 1"; echo $query; $result=mysql_query($query); $row = mysql_fetch_array($result); return $row; } function drawSettings() { echo "
"; drawMainTitle("Settings"); drawUserSettings(); echo "
"; } function drawUserSettings() { echo "
"; echo "
"; echo "User Settings"; echo "
"; drawCurrentUsers(); drawAddUserForm(); echo "
"; } /* ########## Labels Also, use label system for 'requires followup' (#!) and 'add to email' */ function scanForLabels($notenum, $str) { // if $str contains # symbol, get location(s?) // if next character is !, add followup label // else get next three characters // check string against labels in database // Add label to notenum // return string removing those 4 characters } function scanForPhoneNumbers($notenum, $str) { // if string contains ###?###?#### // can php search like that? I suspect so // add label #pho to notenum if (preg_match('/[0-9]{3}.[0-9]{3}.[0-9]{4}/', $str)) { //redAlert("Has number!"); //addLabel("#pho", $notenum) } } function scanForLinks($t_str) { $str = $t_str; $matchesarray[0] = 1; if (preg_match('/(http)(.*)/', $str, $matchesarray)) { //redAlert("Link found! ".$matchesarray[0]); $str = str_replace($matchesarray[0], "".$matchesarray[0]."",$str); } return $str; } function drawCurrentUsers() { echo "Current Users
"; $query = "SELECT * FROM users"; $result=mysql_query($query); echo ""; while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $temp_first=$row['user_firstname']; $temp_last=$row['user_lastname']; $temp_phone=$row['user_number']; $temp_email=$row['user_email']; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; } echo "
NamePhone #Email
".$temp_first." ".$temp_last."".$temp_phone."".$temp_email."
"; } function drawAddUserForm() { ?>
Add New User
First Name:
Last Name:
New User Name:
New Password:
Cell Phone #:
Email Address:
"; drawMainTitle("Edit Note"); ?>
Editing Note
Subject: name="notetodo" value="1"> To Do
"; } function updateChecks() { #for loop on BOXARRAY2 #have old and new array, need to fill out new array to each blank spot is a zero $checkboxesARRAY = $_POST['BOXARRAY']; $OLDcheckboxesARRAY = $_POST['BOXARRAY2']; foreach ($OLDcheckboxesARRAY as $k => $v) { if($checkboxesARRAY[$k]) { $checkboxesARRAY[$k] = 1; } else { $checkboxesARRAY[$k] = 0; } } while (list($key, $val) = each($checkboxesARRAY)) { #echo "$key => $val\n"; #echo "UPDATE notes SET type = '".$val."' WHERE note_num = '".$key."'"; $query = "UPDATE notes SET type = '".$val."' WHERE note_num = '".$key."'"; mysql_query($query); } } function deleteNote($notenum) { $query = "UPDATE notes SET active = '0' WHERE note_num = $notenum"; mysql_query($query); } function addNote($t_subject, $t_note, $t_type, $t_todo) { # Database format: index, current date and time, subject, note, radio value $secretPass = 'kljhflk73#OO#*U$O(*Y'; $enc_subject = makeSQLsafe(Encode($t_subject,$secretPass)); $enc_note = makeSQLsafe(Encode($t_note,$secretPass)); $query = "INSERT INTO notes VALUES ('','1',now(),now(),'$enc_subject','$enc_note',$t_type,$t_todo)"; mysql_query($query); } function verifyInput($text) { $input = $text; $input = htmlspecialchars($input); if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) { // if magic quotes is enabled, get rid of those // pesky slashes $input = stripslashes($input); } $input = mysql_real_escape_string($input); return $input; } function stripHTML($text) { return htmlspecialchars($text); } function makeSQLsafe($text) { $input = mysql_real_escape_string($text); return $input; } function Encode($data,$pwd) { $pwd_length = strlen($pwd); for ($i = 0; $i < 255; $i++) { $key[$i] = ord(substr($pwd, ($i % $pwd_length)+1, 1)); $counter[$i] = $i; } for ($i = 0; $i < 255; $i++) { $x = ($x + $counter[$i] + $key[$i]) % 256; $temp_swap = $counter[$i]; $counter[$i] = $counter[$x]; $counter[$x] = $temp_swap; } for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($data); $i++) { $a = ($a + 1) % 256; $j = ($j + $counter[$a]) % 256; $temp = $counter[$a]; $counter[$a] = $counter[$j]; $counter[$j] = $temp; $k = $counter[(($counter[$a] + $counter[$j]) % 256)]; $Zcipher = ord(substr($data, $i, 1)) ^ $k; $Zcrypt .= chr($Zcipher); } return $Zcrypt; } function hex2bin($hexdata) { for ($i=0;$i"; echo ""; echo "
"; echo "
"; echo ""; #echo ""; echo "
"; } function previewEmail(){ echo "
"; echo "Subject: "; echo buildEmailSubject(); echo "
"; echo ""; echo ""; echo "
"; echo "
"; } function getEncoded($fieldtext) { $secretPass = 'kljhflk73#OO#*U$O(*Y'; return stripHTML(Encode($fieldtext,$secretPass)); } function buildEmailBody() { $query = "SELECT * FROM notes WHERE DATE(date) = CURDATE() AND type = 1"; $result=mysql_query($query); $str = "Hi Tim,\n\n"; while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $temp_subject=getEncoded($row['subject']); $temp_note=getEncoded($row['note']); if ($temp_subject.$temp_note == "") { } else { if ($temp_subject) { $str = $str.$temp_subject."\n"; } if ($temp_note) { $str = $str.$temp_note."\n"; } $str = $str."\n"; } } return $str; } function buildEmailSubject() { return date('l').', '.date('M').'. '.date(d).' Update'; } function previewPrint() { drawTodaysDate(); $firstnote = key($_POST['BOXARRAY']); $date = getDateOfNote($firstnote); printDailyNotes($date, 1, '', ''); } function printDailyNotes($phpdate, $checkedonly, $b_ColorARRAY, $b_TitleARRAY) { $query = "SELECT * FROM notes WHERE date = '$phpdate'"; if ($checkedonly) $query = $query." AND type = 1"; $query = $query." ORDER BY note_num DESC"; $result=retrieveFromDatabase($query); while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $temp_subject=getEncoded($row['subject']); $temp_note=getEncoded($row['note']); $temp_notenum=$row['note_num']; $temp_todo=$row['todo']; if ($temp_subject.$temp_note == "") { } else { drawNote($temp_notenum,$temp_subject,$temp_note,$temp_type,$temp_todo,'','',''); } } } function getDateOfNote($notenum) { $query = "SELECT * FROM notes WHERE note_num = $notenum LIMIT 1"; $result = retrieveFromDatabase($query); $row = mysql_fetch_array($result); $date = $row['date']; return $date; } function displayOldDays($numdaysback) { echo "
"; echo "

Last ".$numdaysback." Days

"; for ($k = 1; $k < $numdaysback; $k += 1) { $query = "SELECT * FROM notes WHERE DATE(date) = DATE_SUB(CURDATE(), INTERVAL ".$k." DAY) ORDER BY note_num ASC"; $result=retrieveFromDatabase($query); $num_rows = mysql_num_rows($result); if ($num_rows > 0) { $olddate = mktime(0,0,0,date("m"),date("d")-$k,date("Y")); echo "
"; echo "
"; echo date("D M j", $olddate); echo "
"; while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $temp_subject=getEncoded($row['subject']); $temp_note=getEncoded($row['note']); $temp_active=$row['active']; $temp_type=$row['type']; $temp_notenum=$row['note_num']; $temp_todo=$row['todo']; if ($temp_subject.$temp_note == "" || $temp_active == 0 ) { } else { $buttonColorARRAY = array("green", "purple", "yellow", "red"); $buttonTitleARRAY = array("Edit", "Copy to Today", "View Details", "Delete"); $buttonFunctionARRAY = array("edit", "copytotoday", "viewdetails", "delete"); drawNote($temp_notenum,$temp_subject,$temp_note,$temp_type,$temp_todo,$buttonColorARRAY, $buttonTitleARRAY, $buttonFunctionARRAY); } } echo "
"; } } echo "
"; } function drawTodaysDate() { drawMainTitle(date(l).", ".date(F)." ".date(j).date(S).", ".date(Y)); } function drawMainTitle($text) { echo "
"; echo $text; echo "
"; } function drawnoteButton($t_notenum, $color, $action, $function) { echo "
"; echo ""; echo "\"Alternative"; echo "".$action.""; echo ""; echo "
"; } function drawNote($t_notenum,$t_subject,$t_note,$t_type,$t_todo,$b_ColorARRAY, $b_TitleARRAY, $b_functionARRAY) { $note = nl2br($t_note); $note = scanForLinks($note); scanForPhoneNumbers($t_notenum, $note); echo "
"; if ($b_ColorARRAY && $b_TitleARRAY) { echo "
"; for ($i = 0; $i < count($b_ColorARRAY); $i += 1) { drawnoteButton($t_notenum, $b_ColorARRAY[$i], $b_TitleARRAY[$i], $b_functionARRAY[$i]); } echo "
"; } if ($t_todo == 1) { echo "
"; } else { echo "
"; } if ($t_type == 2) { echo "
"; } else { echo "
"; } if ($t_subject) { echo "
"; echo $t_subject."
"; echo "
"; } if ($note) echo $note; echo "
"; echo "
"; echo "
"; } function connectAndSelectDB($un,$pw,$db) { mysql_connect("localhost",$un,$pw); @mysql_select_db($db) or die( "Unable to select database"); } ?> "; drawTodaysDate(); ?>
Add New Note
Subject: Requires Followup
"; echo "
"; echo ""; while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $temp_num=$row['note_num']; $temp_subject=getEncoded($row['subject']); $temp_note=getEncoded($row['note']); $temp_active=$row['active']; $temp_type = $row['type']; $temp_todo = $row['todo']; if ($row['type']==1) { $is_checked=" checked "; } else { $is_checked=""; } if ($temp_subject.$temp_note == "" || $temp_active == 0) { } else { echo ""; if ($temp_type==2) { echo ""; } else { echo ""; } echo ""; } } echo "
"; echo ""; $buttonColorARRAY = array('green', 'blue', 'yellow', 'red'); $buttonTitleARRAY = array('Edit', 'Send As SMS', 'View Details', 'Delete'); $buttonFunctionARRAY = array("edit", "sendsms", "viewdetails", "delete"); drawNote($temp_num,$temp_subject,$temp_note,$temp_type,$temp_todo,$buttonColorARRAY, $buttonTitleARRAY,$buttonFunctionARRAY); echo "
"; buildLetterButtons(); echo "
"; ## end currletterform div echo "
"; ## end today div echo "
"; } ?>
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